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Kenia Fernanda Aguiar Santos



+55 19 99695-1872



Piracicaba, São Paulo

Currículo Lattes:


Um pouco sobre mim

Engenheira Agrônoma formada pela Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, atualmente mestranda pela mesma universidade, no Programa de Pós Graduação em Recursos Florestais na área de Silvicultura e Manejo Florestal com ênfase em Sistemas Agroflorestais. Possui experiências em Manejo Integrado de Praga, Extensão Rural e Educação Ambiental.

Acredito ser possível e necessário o desenvolvimento de novos modelos agrícolas e silviculturais, produtivos e de restauração, atentos aos novos desafios tecnológicos e de mudanças climáticas globais.


June 2025 - April 2026

July 2024 - May 2025

January 2023 - June 2024

This is a Job Description. Briefly describe your specific position, including details about important achievements and milestones. Make sure to include relevant skills and highlights, and don't forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.

This is a Job Description. Briefly describe your specific position, including details about important achievements and milestones. Make sure to include relevant skills and highlights, and don't forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.

This is a Job Description. Briefly describe your specific position, including details about important achievements and milestones. Make sure to include relevant skills and highlights, and don't forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.


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